Industry News > COVID-19 SERVICE PROFILE - New Frontier Group

COVID-19 SERVICE PROFILE - New Frontier Group

par Jo-Anne Liburd, affiché le 1:48 PM, Mai 5, 2020

New Frontier Group provides medical cost containment and assistance solutions for clients handling diverse healthcare travel portfolios. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the company has launched a telehealth service that enables clients to connect to a U.S. board-certified doctor anytime, anywhere. Via a telephone call or video conference, the policyholder can complete a medical consultation from home.

"During the current COVID-19 pandemic this is a crucial service for people to be able to receive medical consultation from a remote location and avoid the risks of a crowded medical facility," says Gitte Bach, President and CEO of New Frontier Group. "I believe this will be the treatment method of the future and, moving forward, it will be key for people to be able to receive treatment in a safe environment.”

Bach also notes the cost-effectiveness of telehealth as one of the attractive benefits for industry players. "Telehealth is the fastest growing modality in the US. There are cost savings when compared to visiting an urgent care clinic or the Emergency Room." New Frontier Group has found this solution is desired by both patients and insurers as it enables timely, optimized  treatment methods for the patients and a safe alternative to in-person visit at an extremely cost-effective advantage for the company's clients.

"This pandemic has shown all of us that telehealth is effective and here to stay. Ease of access will undoubtedly lead to a different doctor/patient engagement, however the benefits are too great, and the patients now expect it," says Bach.