Industry News > THiA's New Executive

THiA's New Executive

affiché le 5:30 PM, octobre 1, 2016

At the Travel Health Insurance Association of Canada's Annual General Meeting held on September 27th, 2016 at the Toronto Congress Centre, a new President and Vice President were elected for the 2016 to 2018 term. Will McAleer, President of WTP Assist, was elected to President of THiA, while Brad Dance, Chief Customer Officer at TuGo was elected to the position of Vice President, THiA.

McAleer had previously served as Vice President alongside Alex Bittner, Director, Broker and Specialty Distribution at Manulife Financial. Bittner served as THiA President from 2014 to 2016 and now moves into the role of Past President. 
John Thain retired from the executive after serving for six years in terms as Vice President, President and then Past President. 
In addition to the roles above, the executive also includes THiA Secretary, Richard Ollier, VP, Risk Management, Compliance & Legal at Allianz Global Assistance and THiA Treasurer, Lambert Boenders with Nordic Insurance Software.