Travel Insurance FAQ > What does travel health insurance cover?

What does travel health insurance cover?

affiché le 1:05 PM, octobre 23, 2014

Travel health insurance is meant to cover emergency medical expenses while travelling. It does not provide coverage for routine expenses or illness that could be foreseen. Although some policies may cover claims relating to pre-existing conditions that are stable and controlled, in general, travel insurance does not cover conditions or symptoms that have happened within a certain time frame prior to your policy activation. In addition, if you have a medical emergency that is addressed through your insurance and that emergency ends, then the same issue or related issues recur, no further benefits are payable because it is now deemed a pre-existing condition. We recommend always reviewing your policy to understand how it defines pre-existing conditions and terms such as “treatment” and “stable” as they relate to your personal medical history. You may also wish to contact your insurer to clearly understand your coverage.

Travel health insurance plans offer a variety of coverages, price ranges, and benefit options for travellers. Based on your selected insurance plan, you will be covered for a variety of unexpected medical expenses. Common coverages include:

  • Prescription drugs
  • Outpatient services
  • Physician and laboratory costs
  • Air ambulance or commercial repatriation home
  • Hospital care; related drug and diagnostic services
  • Assistance with bringing a family member to your bedside
  • Direct payment to the hospitals and doctors caring for you
  • Return of your vehicle if you are ill and have to come home